Nourish them with Art is a humanitarian, artistic cultural, volunteering project.
Its idea comes up in the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, but its goal is to involve everyone that agrees with the aims of the project.
It arises from the wish to explore the background of today’s life, marking new paths of empathy, compassion, equanimity.
This project fosters the knowledge of other people and other places, without focusing on any determinism, but favouring new links, communication and participation.
The trust in the regenerating force of art and the awareness of the universal value of its language foster this project especially in disadvantaged backgrounds.
Experiences like these are aimed to everyone, especially children and those who suffer, diseased and emarginated people, victims and minorities.
We help these people to find out their great creative potential, starting from their interior experience.
From the contact with their lives, frames of hidden stories, the ambiguity and the contradictions of our society arise in different forms. People reflect on the meaning of everything, in contrast with the absent, frenetic aspect of our life.
We pursue the inevitable relationship between the care for the human soul and the care for disadvantaged lands.
On February 25 2015 Nourish them with Art established itself as association aimed at social solidarity themes, according to its

Elisabetta Susani - President
Professor Elisabetta Susani graduated in Architecture and in Archivistics, Palaeography and Diplomatics. She is Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico of Milan (Degrees and Masters, 1997-2005) and at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera (First Level Academic Degree in Cultural Heritage and Second Level Academic Degree in Creative Communication for Cultural Heritage since 2000).
From 1993 to 2010 she conceived and organised research projects and initiatives to promote cultural heritage for: Polytechnic University of Milan (1997-2008), ISAL – Institute for Art History of Lombardia – (1997-2006), Provincia di Lodi (2003-2007); Regione Lombardia (2004-2008); BAP – Regional Office for architectural and natural heritage (1995-2010), CASVA , Centre for Studies in Visual Arts (2005-2010).
From 1999 to 2005 she organised exhibitions and wrote publications about the history of architecture and cultural heritage for Electa, Celip, Jaca Book.
From 2010 to 2012 she was in Florence, where she conceived and coordinated a project called "Oltre la cura. Salute e cultura nell’Area Vasta Fiorentina. Scoprire e valorizzare un patrimonio culturale inedito", (Beyond taking care. Culture and health in the wide area of Florence. Discovering a new cultural heritage) – Presidency of the Faculty of Medicine at Università degli Studi – and then founded OSA – Centre of Knowledge and Arts – (opened on 11th June 2010) and curated the exhibitions “Arte e Scienza nel patrimonio culturale dell'AOUC" (Art and Science in the cultural heritage of AOUC) – OSA, from 11th June to 30th June 2010 – and “Oltre il corpo, l'uomo" (Beyond the body, the man) – OSA, from 12th November 2010 to 12th July 2011.
She is professor, researcher, but also art consultant in hospitals, offering her artistic and architectural knowledge at Casa Ospedale Vidas, in Milan and Villa Carpaneda, Rodigo (Lombardia), at the hospital for terminally ill patients of Monza, at the hospital of Mantova, at the National Centre for Research on tumors of Milan, at Padiglioni Aids and Residenze per anziani (care facilities for old people).

Laura Lorusso
She graduated in Disciplines of cultural heritage enhancement and she got a Master degree in Creative Communication for the cultural heritage at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera.
Since 1999 she has always loved the Web, exploring its theoretical and technical aspects, as she became Web Master and Web Designer.
As a freelance she deals with the management and the development of online and traditional communication plans, planning communication activities, managing social media and creating graphic products online and offline.
She is currently involved in the making of the Website Oltre la cura aimed at enhancing the historic, scientific and documentary heritage at Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi, She is also Community Manager and Social Media Strategist at L’Architetto, an online monthly magazine by Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti Conservatori.

Filippo Terzaghi
Since his degree, the Architect has always dealt with social architecture, mainly sanitary.
Up to 2001, as freelance and works supervisor, he realized several projects of different hospices for terminally ill patients (Casa Ospedale Vidas, Milan; Villa Carpaneda, Rodigo; Hospice for terminally ill patients, Monza), retirement houses (Sesto San Giovanni; Bollate), hospitals (Ospedale Carlo Poma, Mantova; Istituto Nazionale Studio e Cura Tumori, Milan; Padiglioni AIDS Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda and Ospedale Predabissi Melegnano - MI; Centro Oncologico della Basilicata, Rionero in Vulture - Pz; P.M.I.P., Lodi; Ospedale Vallata, Genova; Ospedale di Menaggio).
From 2001 to 2007 he focused on managing Pirelli Real Estate, where he took part to the makeup of different proposals of public and private partnership, among which Nuovo Ospedale S. Anna of Como.
Since 2007 is he director of the technical area of Hospital Careggi in Florence, and he recently dealt with its full restructuring and maintenance.

Francesca Varalli
She graduated in Architecture at Politecnico of Milan in 1999 with a thesis on the renaissance treatises.
Afterwards she continued dealing with architecture history, and took part to research projects, contributing to studies aimed at publications and exhibitions.
As regards university teaching, she made experiences taking some courses at Politecnico and also at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera from 2001 to 2005.
She focused on cataloguing the historical artistic heritage, dealing with archives sources. Thanks to her skills she began in 2007 a collaboration regarding the field Culture of Regione Lombardia.
Since October 2012 she has been working for Regione Lombardia in the informative system dedicated to the cultural heritage, also through the publication online (
She has two daughters. With the Associazione Genitori of the Elementary school, she follows the activities aimed at the rediscovery of the historical archive of the school.